Other Serious Offences

Acting for a client in a case classed as a category VHCC by the Legal Aid Agency involving serious sex offence allegations.

Both Laurence Grant and Simon Connolly are recognised as Grade A VHCC fee earners by the Legal Aid Agency when dealing with VHCC matters and Laurence is recognised as an VHCC Supervisor.

The trial is due to take place in February 2023.

High profile terrorist case resulting from an attack on an Indian General who was in charge of Operation Blue Star in 1984 (Indian Government’s operation to take control of the Golden Temple).

Successfully represented Appellant in having conviction quashed following conviction for a number of Rape offences alleged by his daughter.

Laurence Grant represented one of Appellants in R v Offen and others, reported case on Life Sentences 2000.

As a trainee solicitor Laurence had day to day conduct of case where Defendant was charged with a series of murders, attempted murder, GBH with Intent and numerous assaults while working as a hostel warden in what was described as a ‘Reign of Terror’. Following a trial the Defendant was acquitted of all counts bar two ABH charges.