Welcome to Complex Case Lawyers

We are consultant solicitors who specialise in complex crime matters often involving fraud and high value drug cases and we represent clients on both a private and legal aid basis. We have a particular expertise in confiscation proceedings and asset forfeiture and we also assist law firms who wish to instruct us on a case by case basis. We have a vast array of experience representing clients who are investigated and prosecuted by the following pro secution agencies:
  • HMRC
  • SFO
  • FCA
  • NCA
  • Trading Standards
  • CPS
  • Department of Work and Pensions
  • Local Authorities

Please browse on our specific pages to see a selection of the type of cases we have had care and conduct over.
The case list demonstrates the successful results we have managed to achieve for our clients and the cases signify our committed and driven attitude to obtaining the best outcome for all our clients.

Our Team

Laurence Grant

Laurence Grant 

Consultant Solicitor specializing in Proceeds of Crime Orders, Asset recovery including restraint orders
Simon Connolly

Simon Connolly

Consultant Solicitor specialising in Criminal Law and Confiscation and Restraints.